1. Collecting, guiding and spreading Real-World-Impact Projects by students of all ages (The CREATING REAL-WORLD, HIGH-IMPACT STUDENT PROJECTS ADVISORY SERVICE)  See GFE/RISPA Advisory


2. Connecting individuals and groups around the world doing a new kind of Empowerment Education (THE ARISE-NET.WORLD NETWORK)  See


3. Distilling an “essential message” of important beliefs for all 2 billion kids in the world to acquire and know by heart. (TRUTHS FOR KIDS)  See Truths for Kids


4. Collecting in one book and site all the “Nuggets of the Curriculum” —i.e. the single thing about each course or subject that teachers want students to remember for the rest of their lives. (CURRICULAR NUGGETS)  See Curricular Nuggets


5. Creating a means (instrument or game) for kids to continually use over their student careers to deeply understand their own dreams, passions, strengths and capabilities, both for self-understanding & guidance. (MY UNIQUE SELF)  See My Unique Self




> Creation and launch of the Better Their World Student Project Database.  See


Publication of The World Needs a New Curriculum (which led to Education to Better Their World: Unleashing the Power of 21st Century Kids (from TC Press)  See


> Establishment of the core team and core principles.



We seek sponsors to help us:


> Develop our database of student projects further.


> Reach more educational influencers, through

– sponsorship of speeches by our core team to influential groups

– purchase and distribution of our books.


> Develop new tools and infrastructure to help kids recognize their strengths and passions and apply those to Bettering Their World.


> Create new ways and processes for acquiring the fundamental skills all people need.




All sponsorships are US tax deductable contributions to the 501(c)(3) Global Future Education Foundation and Institute, Ltd.


– Individual  $500.

– Family  $1,000.

– Bronze  $5,000,

– Silver  $10,000

– Gold  $50,000

– Platinum  $100,000